
Phone: (769) 228-0011


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. Master of Education from William Carey University.

Sharon Terrell

Sharon Terrell most recently served as Summer Boost Principal and Assistant Principal at Peeples Middle School. Prior to joining JPS, she served as an assistant principal on a team of administrators at Hattiesburg Public Schools that moved a school from a performance rating of F to a C, coming just two points shy of a B rating. Terrell also served eight years in the United States Air Force as a Combat Communication Radio Operator. In the Air Force is where she developed her philosophy of leadership. She believes if you take care of your people, your people will take care of you.

Terrell holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi and a Master of Education from William Carey University. Both schools are located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She completed the Mississippi Alternate Path to Quality School Leadership in 2013.

  • Joneaset Mitchell, Assistant Principal

    Phone: (769) 228-0011  

    Dedgra Whitley, Assistant Principal

    Phone: (769) 228-0011


Last Modified on January 10, 2024