Project IGNITE

  • PROJECT IGNITEOne of 13 projects in the from the U.S. Department of Education, Project IGNITE, Innovation Generated by Networked Improvement Teams of Educators, is a powerful partnership led by Insight Education Group that brings comprehensive support and growth opportunities for teachers and school leaders in 49 schools across four districts in Florida, Mississippi, New York, and Texas by creating a networked improvement community (NIC).

    • Lead Teachers
    • Demonstration Teachers


    Lead Teachers

    The lead teacher is a day-to-day, school-based support for a school’s implementation of the IGNITE project funded by the US Department of Education’s Teacher and School Leader Incentive (TSL) grant.

    The lead teacher may have limited classroom responsibilities with students assigned to them, but focus on providing support to other teachers during the school day through professional development, demonstration lessons, and coaching.

    The lead teacher is responsible for facilitating the Supporting Teacher Effectiveness Project (STEP)’s professional learning community meetings, coaching and supporting teachers, providing demonstration lessons, and being an active and engaged member of the school’s instructional leadership team.

    Receives an additional stipend of $8,000 annually.


    Demonstration Teachers

    The Demonstration Teacher would serve as a mentor to other teachers. 

    This is a day-to-day, school-based support for a school’s implementation of the IGNITE project funded by the US Department of Education’s Teacher and School Leader Incentive (TSL) grant.

    The demonstration teacher typically has full responsibilities with students assigned to them, but may have limited release time to support Lead Teachers with professional development, demonstration lessons, and coaching.

    The demonstration teacher supports the Supporting Teacher Effectiveness Project (STEP)’s professional learning community meetings, provides limited coaching and support for teachers, provides demonstration lessons, and is an active and engaged member of the school’s instructional leadership team.

    The demonstration teacher’s classroom is open to teachers as a demonstration class to focus on content and/or pedagogy.

    Receives an additional Stipend of  $5,000 annually

  • Ready to apply? Explore opportunities now.

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Last Modified on August 24, 2021