• login to jps canvas

    What is Canvas?

    Designed specifically for K-12 teachers and students, Canvas is an easy-to-use, cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that connects all the digital tools and resources teachers use into one simple place.

    In JPS, Canvas is available for all teachers and students in grades 9-12. It can be accessed using the custom URL .

    All teachers also have access to add Unicheck as an external option for students turning in writing assignments. Unicheck scans texts of submitted papers comparing them to the Internet sources, open access repositories, journals, digital books, and documents. It's goal is to empower students in plagiarism prevention by allowing them to check their papers themselves. Students are able to use Unicheck independently, to ensure authenticity and originality of every assignment they submit and to prevent academic failures. It allows both the student and teacher to set and view the level of copied text from other sources.

    How do we login to our JPS Canvas Site?

    It can be accessed using the custom URL

    Teacher Login:

    Beginning August 23, 2018, teachers must use their @jpsms.org email address to login to Canvas. Teachers should use their employee ID number to login the first time!

    Username: username@jpsms.org

    Password: employee ID number

    Student Login:

    Username: MSIS#@jpsms.org

    Password: m/d/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy

    My students forgot their Canvas password. How can he/she get a new one?

    If a student has forgotten their Canvas password, they can click the "Forgot Password?" link at the bottom of the login box. An email will be sent to the email account that is connected to their Canvas account (MSIS#@jpsms.org). Inside of this email will be a link that will allow them to reset their password. They will need to go to their email account and click on the link, enter a new password, click "Update Password" button. Encourage them to use something that is easy to remember. There is no way to see what they have set as their password. So, if they forget again they will have to repeat these steps in order to gain access their account.

    If the student cannot get into their JPS Google mail, please follow the directions on the

    How can my students and I learn to use Canvas?

    Best Canvas Video Series from Instructure:

    There are JPS courses for both teachers and students that give an orientation to using Canvas. They are open enrollment courses and anyone can register.

    For Teachers:

    Use this link to enroll in the online course for JPS Canvas teacher Orientation

    Teachers can use a standard JPS template to get started. Click the link below to get started. You must be logged in to see the template!

    For Students:

    Use this link to enroll in the online course for JPS Canvas student Orientation

    Teachers can use a standard JPS template to get started. Click the link below to get started.

    Other Canvas FAQs

    How do I setup Canvas so that my students can submit assignments through Google Drive?

    To accept assignments through Google Drive both the teacher and the student must connect their Google drive account with their Canvas account. To connect these services you must register your Google Drive account as a web service within Canvas. A step by step guide to register your Google Drive account with Canvas, is provided in this document.

    How do I get started creating my course?

    Teachers wanting a basic template to help with setting up their Canvas classes can use this link to a basic course template. Template

    How can I get more help with Canvas?

    The BEST help is always direct from Canvas. Click the link below to the Canvas Community website that has how-to videos, printable guides, and other step by step instructions on how to do anything and everything in Canvas! Be sure and register for your free account!

    Link to the Canvas Community:

    I don't see my courses and classes from SAM in Canvas?

    As long as the teacher is in SAM with their JPS employee email address and JPS employee ID number in the proper fields, the courses should carry over. However, due to data entry changes and delays, sometimes teachers are not connected to their classes. We can connect you my manually inviting you to enroll. Please email sleggette@jackson.k12.ms.us and tell use exactly what courses you need to see in your Canvas account.